Tuesday, 30 April 2013

This is a section though my garden showing the different compenents and how they work together.

This shows the layers of drawing materials and paper that will make up the fore and back ground of my garden, I want the effect of preservative and labs in the foreground and plants and cells in the background.

 The top image is an A4 prototype of my garden, the plants aren't to scale and are only testers but just show the scale and general idea. The bottom image is the background of my garden, i have used plant cells printed onto trace layered over some paper leaf cutouts.
This is image is the final A2 of the foreground layered over the background, there will be acetate separating the layers finally in which the plants will sit and can be examined using a magnifying glass.


Gretel had always been jealous of Esme, not only did she have the most beautiful pattern and colour, she was always picked to represent the family for everything. The boys couldn’t care less, they were too busy doing ‘boy things,’ but being the only other girl in the family, Gretel always felt inferior. Since the siblings had been kept in the collection they had been exquisitely looked after, they were tended to every day - each spine was inspected for damage, and examined for changes in size and pattern. They knew what was coming, one day one of them would mature enough to be taken from the family into ‘the magic box’ where their new life into an adult would begin. Gretel was determined to make sure it was her this time, she was sick of Esme’s attitude to her, saying that she was imperfect and would never be picked for anything; she would show her. Finally after months of tension between the family, the day came and to Gretel’s glee, she was chosen to be taken into ‘the magic box,’ Esme was not happy. Her spines were clipped causing much discomfort, and then was dunked many times in some funny tasting liquid before being submerged into the magic box. Much smaller than what she was used to, but was all to herself and without the company of her arrogant older sister. After a while though and although not wanting to admit it, it wasn’t what it had lived up to be, she couldn’t help her mind darting backwards and forwards thinking about what her brothers and sister were up to and what her older siblings had felt when they had been taken to the magic box. The funny gloopy liquid that she was submerged in made her so drowsy and when she did manage to open her eyes, the outside world was incredibly blurry. Time seemed to pass so very slowly; only being aware of the change in light as day and night passed. She was so lonely, wishing so hard she could take back everything and return to the ones she loved. Time seemed to stop, the light never changed, her loneliness had sucked all the life out of her, the gloopy liquid had engulfed her, and nothing mattered anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Your 3D tests are starting to look really nice and the direction is strong. The detail in the print looks good you could try drawing into your petals to add another layer of detail into your plants.
    Have you thought about the magnifying glass? How will you attach it to your layered drawing? Does it need a thick sturdy base so that you can have the instrument off of it?
